Ne jucam si invatam

6 bonus points
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Un quiz facut pentru cei mici si foarte mici pentru notiunile de baza la matematica

Uhubau wrote on the blackboard only stupid things and signed with your name. Win this battle so Miss and your colleagues can see that you didn’t do it.

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Examples of questions from "Ne jucam si invatam"

  • Adunam cel mai mic numar impar de doua cifre identice cu rasturnatul lui 72.Ce numar am gasit???
  • Cate baloane a cumparat Alin daca un balon costa 2 lei si el a avut 22 de lei la el???
  • DacaQuiz-ul are 10 intrebari iar tu o rezolvi pe ultima....cate ai rezolvat pana acum?

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