Statement and Conclusion (Give the conclusion bested on the given statement.)

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A statement is a formal account of certain facts, views, problems or situations expressed in words. Conclusion: A conclusion is a belief or an opinion that is the result of reasoning out a given statement.
Give the conclusion bested on the given statement .

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Examples of questions from "Statement and Conclusion (Give the conclusion bested on the given statement.)"

  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Which of the following conclusion is true?
  • A large majority of the work force in rural India is unorganized. Most of them earn either the minimum or uncertain wages while others are engaged in sundry jobs. Which one of the following inferences can be drawn from this statement? A) Some workers in the unorganized sector of the work force have a regular and fixed income. B) The workers in the organized sector get better facilities and stay longer in their jobs.
  • In the era of globalization, no country is absolutely self-dependent these days. Which one of the following inferences can be drawn from this statement? A) It is impossible to grow and produce all that a country needs. B) Countrymen in general have become lazy.

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