Pokemon Quiz
This pokemon quiz is to sharp you’r skills as a pokemon master! Good Luck!
Complete the sentences with the right words
The quiz contains 10 sentences you need to complete with the appropriate words. Good luck!
Healthy food
You need to choose healthy foods, such as: cabbage, apple, etc. Good luck!
Mathematics for smart kids
In this quiz, I did some simple math exercises for smart kids
How do you know English?
English time. If you will chose the correct sentence, you will get some points. Thanks for answering to my test.
Families of animals
Aproape toata lumea stie denumirea in engleza pentru pisica, caine, cal sau vaca, dar stiti si denumirea membrilor acestor familii? […]
Have a good time trying to solve animal riddles. Usually these riddles give some description and it is up to […]
Music and theater vocab
Vocabulary for the first nine weeks in Hamilton Alabama yes
You have to find the names of the jobs. Have fun! 🙂 .