Corpuri geometrice cu chichite

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Descopera proprietatile corpurilor geometrice comparativ cu cele ale figurilor geometrice si calculeaza cu atentie ceea ce se cere. Ai grija la deosebirile dintre ele si la formulele de calcul pentru perimetru, dar si la elementele constructive specifice fiecarui corp geometric sau figura geometrica.

Megalix conceived a plan to paralyze all education in the country. They will throw with giant space rocks towards all the schools. It will be a disaster. Victimes, chaos. You have to stop them. Good luck!

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Examples of questions from "Corpuri geometrice cu chichite"

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  • Cuboidul are ... varfuri si ... muchii
  • Cubul cu latura de 10 cm are suma tuturor muchhilor sale egala cu ... cm

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