Play english

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Quiz Author: MatematicianulAbstract3


English for beginners .. It is very easy if You study

For sure you did not expect at this. Uhubau wants to launch a discount virus. The humans will go crazy and they will spend all the money thay have on stupid things. Dizaster! Only you can save the situation.

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Examples of questions from "Play english"

  • Fill the missing letters in the next words.. C- ndy,gh- st, ye-low
  • Anna îs an artist. She draws the moon.She draws clouds. She draws Stars What Ana draws?
  • Martin works far away from his home. He drives a car to works .It takes him 3 hours to get there.. Martin drives..While he drives, he thins about his little girl. She likes to ride a horse. Wow does Martin get to the work?

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Total time: 1742080804.7295 s