Sports Club
25 bonus points
2 successes
Do you like sports? How many sports do you know to name both in English and in Romanian? Find the […]
Lego Ninjago fan quiz
1 bonus points
2 successes
Hello there! This test is only made for fun. If you have ever watches Ninjago, then take a look at […]
10 Body Parts Riddles
7 bonus points
2 successes
Here are ten rhyming riddles that have a human body theme and will challenge you to find the right answer. […]
Easy English – flowers
7 bonus points
2 successes
Do you like English? The quiz contains English words. You are smart kids and it will seem very easy to […]
8 bonus points
1 successes
A year has got four seasons. What are you doing in these?
Plural Nouns
5 bonus points
1 successes
This quiz is meant to exercise the plural of English nouns. It contains regular nouns as well as irregular nouns.