Present Simple – [3]

27 bonus points
3 successes

Use Present Simple to talk about: habitual something that is true in the present; something that happens regularly in the […]

Fill in using will or won’t

27 bonus points
8 successes

Fill in the gaps using “will” or “won’t” and the appropriate verb. Remember we use “will” for the affirmative and […]

Who, what, where, how, why or when

26 bonus points
2 successes

Fill in with the suitable word. Use who, what, where, how, why or when.

Fruits – [6]

26 bonus points
3 successes

Can you identify correctly all of these fruits? I hope you will enjoy this easy quiz!

Parts of the body

26 bonus points
11 successes

Do you know the parts of the body? I hope you will enjoy this easy quis!

The difference between the homophones to, two, and too

13 bonus points
1 successes

Find the difference between to, two, and too. Choose the correct answer from the list of choices. Good luck!

Which one is it: to, too or two?

13 bonus points
2 successes

In this quiz you’ll have to choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “to”, “too” or “two”. Use to […]

Searching for Synonyms

8 bonus points
2 successes

A Synonym is a word that means the same, or nearly the same. Select the synonym of each word in […]

To, Too, Two

10 bonus points
1 successes

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “to”, “too”, or “two”. Confusing between to, too, and two is one […]

Synonyms in English

6 bonus points
2 successes

Synonyms are words with the same meaning, words that can be used interchangeably (e.g. quick – fast). Select the correct […]

Fruits and vegetables

5 bonus points
1 successes

In this quiz we will learn the fruits and the vegetables in English. Have fun !🙂

Romeo and Juliet: How well do you know Romeo and Juliet Acts one and two?

15 bonus points
1 successes

Test how well do you remember acts one and two from the famous book Romeo and Juliet.

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