“One Planet” – episode 1 from the series of documentaries “Our Planet”

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Watch the episode One Planet on Netflix and witness the planet’s breathtaking diversity – from seabirds carpet-bombing the ocean to wildebeests eluding the wild dogs of the Serengeti.
The series of documentaries Our Planet is available either on the app or on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfO-3Oir-qM
Watch the documentary and then do this quizz.

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Examples of questions from "“One Planet” – episode 1 from the series of documentaries “Our Planet”"

  • In spring, the caribou will travel _________ kilometres crossing mountains to reach the tundra, where the spring grass will be sprouting again and they can give birth
  • Where do the frozen wildernesses of Antarctica and the Arctic lie?
  • In just ________ years, things have changed at a frightening pace. The polar regions are warming faster than any other part of the planet.

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