15 bonus points
0 successes
In this quiz I will ask you some questions about this book. Good luck.
Romeo and Juliet: How well do you know Romeo and Juliet Acts one and two?
15 bonus points
1 successes
Test how well do you remember acts one and two from the famous book Romeo and Juliet.
Basic English
15 bonus points
0 successes
Basic English words and expressions. Let’s solve this simple quiz!
Being a bug quiz
15 bonus points
0 successes
Bugs live all over the world. They can be found on every continent and in every climate. These creatures are […]
The verbs Have Got and To Be
15 bonus points
0 successes
Fill in the blanks with the following forms: have got, has got, hasn’t got, haven’t got, am, is, are, am […]